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Launch My Profile

  • Package

  • Position

  • Persuade


    for Career Advancement


  • "What to Say" Scripts to Position You as the Only Logical Choice (Value: Priceless)

  • Live Profile Audits/Reviews

    (Value: $200)

  • Banner Templates to Get You Noticed at the First Point of Contact (Value: $500)

  • Networking Opportunities with People of Like Mind

    (Value: $2000)

  • Group Business, Career, Leadership Coaching with Dr. Sarah

    (Value: $3,000/hour)

  • Total Value: $5,700

  • Get Me LinkedIn!

    Meet Dr. Sarah David

    I EMPOWER EXPERTS, EXECUTIVES, ENTREPRENEURS & PROFESSIONALS, Authors, Course Creators, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, and Sales Professionals to build their brand and executive leadership presence. I help others monetize their education and experience and market through a diversity and inclusion lens to attract the perfect opportunities.

    I help advance careers, partnerships, and engagement. I enjoy positioning others to advance, transition or reinvent their career by leveraging education, training, and Super Connections!


    What Others Say

  • Eunice Ng

    Internet Entreprenuer

  • Dr. Jay Sordean


  • Dr. Monica Mallet

    Owner and Founder at MOM, LLC

  • 2022 Launch My Profile. All Rights Reserved.